The Retiree’s Cost of Care Barometer (version 3.0) is a comprehensive planning tool designed to help you measure retiree health care costs and help deliver funding solutions and planning advice tailored to your clients’ unique needs. Designed by James A. Shambo, CPA (Retired), this software will help you unveil the mystery of health care costs. Key features of the software include:
- Sample out of pocket cost estimates
- Part B, Part D and Medigap Calculators
- Quicktake pressure gauges to see immediate impact of changes
- Includes changes made to Medicare by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018
- And much more!
Check out the User’s Guide designed to help you understand
- how to use the software standalone calculators or use the full plan with Posting Macros
- resources for estimating longevity and other key assumptions
- how to start the conversation about health care with your clients
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