Google said on Wednesday it had achieved a breakthrough in computer research, by solving a complex problem in minutes with a so-called quantum computer that would take today’s most powerful supercomputer thousands of years to crack.
Archives for 2019
Investor revolt torpedoes Swiss Sunrise’s $6.4 billion Liberty Global deal
Sunrise Communications Group bowed to investor pressure on Tuesday and scrapped its 6.3 billion Swiss franc ($6.39 billion £4.94 billion) acquisition of Liberty Global’s Swiss cable business UPC.
Uniqlo ad sparks protest, parody as South Korea-Japan dispute flares
A commercial by Japanese clothing brand Uniqlo has stirred a consumer backlash in South Korea amid accusations that it mocks victims of wartime forced labour and brothel workers, reopening deep wounds from Japan’s colonial past.
Achieving Techquilibrium: Get the Right Digital Balance
Reaching the right “techquilibrium” will enable enterprises to compete and lead as they work toward digital transformation, said Gartner analysts during a keynote address at Gartner Symposium
Using machine learning to exploit poor populations
Awesome, not awesome. #Awesome“Doctors can detect heart failure from a single heartbeat with 100% accuracy using a new artificial intelligence-driven neural network…“[t]he application of organizational neuroscience, and specifically of neural network approaches to healthcare issues promises to open breakthrough frontiers for both clinical research and practice.”” — Nicholas Fearn, Journalist Learn More from Forbes > #Not Awesome“The rising use […]
SAP in three-year cloud partnership with Microsoft
Business software group SAP said on Monday it had reached a three-year deal with Microsoft to help its large enterprise customers move their business processes into the cloud.
Unizo keeps door open for Blackstone, Fortress talks
Unizo Holdings said Monday it would continue talks with Blackstone Group and SoftBank-backed Fortress Investment Group on a potential takeover, raising the possibility of a bid battle between the two global buyout firms.
IT Challenge: Pace of Change with Infrastructure
With the storm of changes hitting the IT department — from cloud to AI and anytime/anywhere mobile access — the real challenge is in having the IT infrastructure keep pace.
Intelligent Automation: A Step Ahead of AI
Organizations that use intelligent automation to amplify human potential will stay ahead in the game, while those that don’t will lag.
October 2019 unified Azure SDK preview
Welcome back to another release of the unified Azure Data client libraries. For the most part, the API surface areas of the SDKs have been stabilized based on your feedback. Thank you to everyone who has been submitting issues on GitHub and keep the feedback coming. Please grab the October preview libraries and try them […]