Whether you're a new student, thriving startup, or the largest enterprise, you have financial constraints and you need to know what you're spending, where, and how to plan for the future. Nobody wants a surprise when it comes to the bill, and this is where Microsoft Azure Cost Management comes in. We're always looking for […]
Archives for 2019
The First AI to Beat Pros in 6-Player Poker, Developed by Facebook and Carnegie Mellon
Facebook AI Research’s Noam Brown and Carnegie Mellon’s professor Tuomas Sandholm recently announced Pluribus, the first Artificial Intelligence program able to beat humans in 6 player hold-em poker. In the past years, computers have progressively improved, beating humans in checkers, chess, Go and the Jeopardy TV show. Poker poses more challenges around information asymmetry and […]
Does NoOps Signal the End for Infrastructure Employees?
Will AI and automation eliminate the need for the people who now keep IT infrastructures in operation? Not if those people take charge of their own futures.
Understanding and leveraging Azure SQL Database’s SLA
When data is the lifeblood of your business, you want to ensure your databases are reliable, secure, and available when called upon to perform. Service level agreements (SLA) set an expectation for uptime and performance, and are a key input for designing systems to meet business needs. We recently published a new version of the […]
Presentation: Putting the Spark in Functional Fashion Tech Analytics
Gareth Rogers shows how his team used Clojure to provide a solid platform to connect and manage an AWS hosted analytics pipeline and the pitfalls they encountered on the way. By Gareth Rogers
Trump warns China not to wait for 2020 U.S. election to make trade deal
U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday warned China against waiting out his first term to finalize any trade deal, saying if he wins re-election in the November 2020 U.S. presidential contest, the outcome could be no agreement or a worse one.
Run Windows Server and SQL Server workloads seamlessly across your hybrid environments
In recent weeks, we’ve been talking about the many reasons why Windows Server and SQL Server customers choose Azure. Security is a major concern when moving to the cloud, and Azure gives you the tools and resources you need to address those concerns. Innovation in data can open new doors as you move to the […]
Atlassian CIO’s Lessons for Better M&As and Divestitures
Is there anything more headache inducing than the idea of IT efforts needed for a merger or acquisition? Here’s a look at one CIO’s journey and lessons learned.
China and the US racing for AI supremacy might drag us all to the bottom
Awesome, not awesome. #Awesome“…. Maybe [deep learning] could help to refine approximate structure predictions; report on how confident the algorithm is in a folding prediction; or model interactions between proteins. And although computational predictions aren’t yet accurate enough to be widely used in drug design, the increasing accuracy allows for other applications, such as understanding how […]