ETMONEY has launched a solution that will allow users to save Rs 78,000 in tax this fiscal year, according to an announcement. It will enable tax payers to choose from a combination of tax-saving mutual funds, the National Pension System (NPS) and life and health insurance products. The Times Internet-backed app will customise a solution […]
Archives for 2020
Facebook tool to clear third-party data rolls out across the world
Facebook said a new tool allowing users of the social network to view and delete data it collects from third parties is rolling out to the estimated two billion members of the leading social network worldwide. The new feature, part of a stepped-up effort to improve privacy practices, allows users to see and clear “off […]
ASB issues guidance on Global Investment Performance Standards
The AICPA Auditing Standards Board has issued guidance to practitioners for engagements to examine and report on aspects of an investment firm’s claim of compliance with the 2020 edition of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). Guidance for this type of engagement, known as a verification, is contained in Statement of Position (SOP) 20-1, Reporting […]
10 Enterprise IT Transformation Trends to Watch for 2020
Communications giant Verizon shares its insights on the potential technology drivers that may reshape industries this year. 1 of 11 The prospects may be increasing this year for organizations to see greater returns on their technology investments and transformation efforts. Verizon put together a perspective on trends in enterprise IT transformation it foresees may take […]
Azure Cost Management updates – January 2020
Whether you’re a new student, thriving startup, or the largest enterprise, you have financial constraints and you need to know what you’re spending, where, and how to plan for the future. Nobody wants a surprise when it comes to the bill, and this is where Azure Cost Management comes in. We’re always looking for ways […]
Azure IoT improves pharmaceutical sample management and medication adherence
For the recent IoT Signals report, commissioned by our Azure IoT team and conducted by Hypothesis Group, more than 3,000 decision makers at enterprise companies across the US, UK, Germany, France, China, and Japan who were currently involved in IoT, participated in a 20-minute online survey. Healthcare was one of the industries included in the […]
IoT hackers will be welcomed with a warm deception: It’s crazy simple!
At the time of writing, Iran threatens to be thoroughly hacked off with us. Are we really on the brink of World War Three, asks freelance technology writer, Nick Booth? Remember the new combat will feature cyber conflict – it’ll be WW IoT. We will fight them on the beaches. Well, we would if we’d […]
Assess your servers with a CSV import into Azure Migrate
At Microsoft Ignite, we announced new Azure Migrate assessment capabilities that further simplify migration planning. In this post, we will demonstrate how to import servers into Azure Migrate Server Assessment through a CSV upload. Virtual servers of any hypervisor or cloud as well as physical servers can be assessed. You can get started with the […]
UK markets watchdog fined for compliance issues in pension plan
(Reuters) – Britain’s markets watchdog was fined by The Pensions Regulator for failing to provide complete details to the members of its pension plan, the regulators said on Monday. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has been fined 2,000 pounds for not including all necessary information in a 2018 governance statement, the country’s pensions watchdog said […]
Clashing dreams of MDR and digital
Digital payments growth in India in the past five years has registered a CAGR of 128%. But on a larger base and with increased penetration, the drive toward a digital economy is showing signs of plateauing. Last year, growth was 35% across all channels. The number of debit cards has stagnated at 900 million, while […]