November 6, 2017
Parallelising IO is like punching hyperspace button
DataCore has crafted a driver for SQL Server that runs IO requests simultaneously and increases throughput.
The company’s parallel IO technology has been shown to be effective in a series of SPC-1 benchmark tests where it is the highest-performing and lowest price-performance shared storage resource tested.
Where a database like SQL Server is used for transaction processing, real-time analytics and similar IO-intensive work, limitations in the way operating systems schedule IO slow it down.
Modern CPUs have multiple cores with each supporting more than one thread. There are two threads per core in Intel’s Hyperthreading technology, and its Xeon E7-8870 v4 CPU, for example, has 20 cores and 40 threads.
Read the entire article here, DataCore Tech Cranks Wheezing SQL Servers to Ridiculous Speeds
Via the fine folks at DataCore Software.
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