DevOps and the implementation of more no-code and low-code applications are changing the way organizations approach software development. Does software maintenance need to change, too?
Will the Democratization of Technology Accelerate Progress in AI?
These two things will play an important role in expanding the future of artificial intelligence: Focusing on human-AI interfaces, and bringing people together across skill sets.
December 2021 Global Tech Policy Briefing
December’s ‘Citizen Tech’ covers new labor rights for digital workers in Europe, new 5G cybersecurity guidance from the NSA / CISA, and updates on Big Tech, Build Back Better, Roam Like at Home, and more.
Steal These Use Cases: 2021’s Technology Wins in the Enterprise
Here’s InformationWeek’s 2021 collection of use cases, case studies, and interviews with some of the top CIOs and IT leaders across enterprises.
What to Expect at CES 2022: The Human Side of Innovation
The pandemic has greatly impacted how people work, relate, and consume. Here’s a look at how we think this will influence the trends driving conversation at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show.
Tech Briefing: A CIO Primer on Key Emerging Technologies
What do you know about the metaverse, data fabric, graph databases, continuous delivery and other emerging tech? We’ve compiled these tech briefings to help CIOs and IT leaders gain an overview of these emerging areas.
What Do Scuba Diving and Digital Transformation Have in Common?
You must start with a full tank of air — meaning, know what your transformation is and isn’t before you take the plunge.
white hat hacker
Everything you need to know about ProxyShell vulnerabilities
Will Autonomous Vehicle Makers Get Back into Gear in 2022?
After 2021’s bumpy ride, manufacturers look to get back on track in the new year.