Here is a quick look at things you can do to help govern and manage your data in the most practical sense.
Digital Transformation and the Virtualization of the Workplace
The future of work may include physical and digital changes to the space that employees operate from, according to a panel at RTE2022.
How CIOs Can Prepare the Enterprise for the Metaverse
The metaverse does not yet fully exist but it is beginning to emerge, creating an opportunity for CIOs to prepare the enterprise now through exploring immersive experiences in the workplace.
Understanding DDoS Attacks on US Airport Websites and Escalating Critical Infrastructure Cyberattacks
Pro-Russian hacker collective Killnet disrupted the websites of several US airports via DDoS attacks, and critical infrastructure will likely continue to face escalating cyber threats.
DC Fintech Week Explores Risks and Opportunity in Crypto Winter
With the cryptocurrency market chilled by troubles this year, stakeholders offer perspectives on possibilities.
Not A Typical CIO: Lessons Learned as Chief Insights Officer
In today’s customer-driven economy, the role of chief insights officer is one designed to help organizations practice customer-centric thinking.
Data Storage IT Careers Evolve with the Cloud
Here’s what data storage pros need to know in a hybrid cloud environment and why a business perspective is more important than ever.
IBM Invests in Emerging Digital Product Engineering Market
IBM has acquired Dialexa, a digital product engineering consultancy, to expand into that emerging market.
Can Your Company Justify an IT R&D Department?
Most CIOs would welcome a dedicated R&D function to vet and try new technologies, but few have them. When can you justify one?
Article: Virtual Panel: the New US-EU Data Privacy Framework
Recent rulings by several European courts have set important precedents for restricting personal data transmission from the EU to the US. As a consequence, the US and EU have started working on a new agreement. In this virtual panel, three knowledgeable experts discuss where the existing agreements fall short, and whether a new privacy agreement […]