Product engineers need to take action to address their own bias and prioritize diversity to create inclusive innovations that can benefit everyone.
IT Report Card: Customer-Facing Applications
As companies strive to improve their customer experiences, IT is playing a pivotal role. Here are the results so far and what still needs to be done.
5 Things Every Remote Leader Should Do
With years of experience as a remote worker and a remote manager, an executive shares her advice to others taking on the role of remote manager.
6 Ways Cloud Networking Teams Can Up Their Game
Many cloud networking teams believe that achieving excellence will be too costly and too difficult. But that’s not actually the case.
Collaboration Versus Groupthink: How to Tell the Difference
Project team consensus is admirable — unless everyone is reaching for the wrong goal.
Neurodiversity in Cybersecurity: Broadening Perspectives, Offering Inclusivity
Neurodiverse security professionals offer keen insights and a mindset uniquely suited to cyber defense, but business must do more to make these individuals feel welcome.
Creating a Data Literate Culture in Your Organization
Everyone in the organization needs to understand how to access data, keep it secure and think critically about its potential use cases and applications.
IT Pro Pathways for Gen Z: What the Enterprise Can Do to Help
To capitalize on untapped Gen-Z talent, businesses should prioritize training and reevaluate traditional education requirements on resumes.
How to choose the right Azure services for your applications—It’s not A or B
This post was co-authored by Ajai Peddapanga, Principal Cloud Solution Architect. If you have been working with Azure for any period, you might have grappled with the question—which Azure service is best to run my apps on? This is an important decision because the services you choose will dictate your resource planning, budget, timelines, and, […]
How Women in Tech Can Create Their Own Opportunities
A Women Who Code leadership fellow shares how women can create their own opportunities, overcome career hurdles, and be the change they wish to see. The key: Take risks, fail, learn, and keep trying.