Formula One racing team puts an ERP solution to work to help manage production and trackside parts replacement.
A New Era of Digital Finance for Treasury Teams
To get ahead (and stay ahead) treasury teams need to innovate and adopt advanced systems and leading practices. Resilience is no longer optional.
Return-to-Office Moment Drives Discord
Big tech and other companies are mandating employees return to the office, at least on a hybrid basis, after two years of pandemic-driven work-from-home. Will employees show up? Or will they quit?
What Changing AI Rules Mean for Hiring
Laws and regulations around the use of artificial intelligence in hiring are finally being introduced, yet they still fall short in terms of equity and fairness. Here’s why.
What Enterprises Can Expect as Carriers to Spend Billions on Broadband Rollouts
From funding to the front door, IT managers can learn from state-level fiber expansions and benefit from programs created to speed high-speed Internet buildouts powered by federal legislation, the FCC, and annual carrier capital expenditures.
The future is on FHIR for SAS and Microsoft Azure
This blog has been co-authored by Steve Kearney, PharmD, Global Medical Director, SAS. This blog is part of a series in collaboration with our partners and customers leveraging the newly announced Azure Health Data Services. Azure Health Data Services, a platform as a service (PaaS) offering designed to support Protected Health Information (PHI) in the […]
A Personalized Approach to Building a Tech Talent Pipeline
Here’s why a collaborative approach is critical for closing the tech talent gap, and many are partnering with outside resources to hire, manage and support their contingent workforce.
Generations in the Workplace: Stereotypes and Facts
Do IT leaders need to treat workers from different generations differently if they want to keep them happy?
Increase remote storage performance with Azure Ebsv5 VMs—now generally available
At Microsoft Ignite in November 2021, we announced the memory-optimized Ev5 Azure Virtual Machine (VM) series based on the 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Platinum 8370C processor. The Ev5 VMs are designed for memory-intensive business-critical applications, relational database servers, and in-memory data analytics workloads. Today, we are announcing the general availability of the Ebsv5 VM series, a […]
General Catalyst’s Clark Talks Opportunistic Investing in Tech
Deep neural networks, distributed work, compute at the edge, and low-code/no-code have been catching the venture capital firm’s attention.